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Monday, November 28, 2011

The Legend of Zorro | 2005 | Dual Audio | 720P

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Movie Poster

The Legend of Zorro | 2011
Hindi-English | 720p | 715MB


Released Date : 28 October 2005 (USA)


The Legendary Zorro goes off on another adventure to protect the future of California and its citizens. This time, he fights against evil-doers with the help of his beautiful wife, Elena, and their precocious young son, Joaquin. Alejandro De LaVega is torn between two worlds: his life as Zorro and his life as a family man. After Alejandro once again breaks his promise to stop wearing the mask, Elena leaves him, and soon begins seeing Armand, a haughty French Count. But a mysterious explosion in the desert leads Zorro to believe that there's more to Armand than meets the eye, and our hero is intent on finding out what that is. Little does he know, there are others working to uncover certain truths as well...


The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 1

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 2

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 3

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 4

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 5

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 6

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 7

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 8


Total Size | 715MB | 

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4
Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8

Password :

How to Download : Click on download link (parts) and wait for 'five second' then click on 'Skip Add'  

:: Useful Instructions ::

The Legend of Zorro | 2005 | Dual Audio | 720P

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Movie Poster

The Legend of Zorro | 2011
Hindi-English | 720p | 715MB


Released Date : 28 October 2005 (USA)


The Legendary Zorro goes off on another adventure to protect the future of California and its citizens. This time, he fights against evil-doers with the help of his beautiful wife, Elena, and their precocious young son, Joaquin. Alejandro De LaVega is torn between two worlds: his life as Zorro and his life as a family man. After Alejandro once again breaks his promise to stop wearing the mask, Elena leaves him, and soon begins seeing Armand, a haughty French Count. But a mysterious explosion in the desert leads Zorro to believe that there's more to Armand than meets the eye, and our hero is intent on finding out what that is. Little does he know, there are others working to uncover certain truths as well...


The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 1

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 2

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 3

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 4

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 5

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 6

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 7

The Legend of Zorro (2005) Screen Shot 8


Total Size | 715MB | 

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4
Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8

Password :

How to Download : Click on download link (parts) and wait for 'five second' then click on 'Skip Add'  

:: Useful Instructions ::

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Desi Boyz | 2011

Desi Boys (2011) Movie Poster

Desi Boyz | 2011
Hindi | DVD Scr Clean Rip | 701MB


Released Date : 25 November 2011 (India)


The year is 2009. The world has been struck by the financial meltdown. But Nick Mathur and Jerry Patel don't feel a thing in their comfortable pad in London.
Nick feels smug with his successful investment banking job, the new bonus in his pocket and his beautiful fiancé, Radhika, by his side, while Jerry is so used to scraping the bottom of the barrel and living off his best buddy Nick, that recession feels like home. But life has a way of pulling the rug from under our feet. 
Nick and Jerry stop smiling the day Nick's company decides to downsize and unceremoniously fires him. And Jerry is informed by the Social Services that his nephew Veer, whose local guardian Jerry is will be placed in a foster home unless he gets a steady job. 
Desi Boyz is the story of two men who are forced to do something extremely bizarre which gives them instant gratification but the repercussions tear them apart and its aftermath which tests everything including their friendship....


Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 1

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 2

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 3

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 4

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 5

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 6

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 7

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 8

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 9

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 10

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 11

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 12

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 13

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 14

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 15

Desi Boyz (2011) Screen Shot 16


Total Size | 701MB | 

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4

Password :

How to Download : Click on download link (parts) and wait for 'five second' then click on 'Skip Add'  

:: Useful Instructions ::